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thoughts &



Who we are

For 6 Months formude ... strives to improve the rain for children of young people and families

Despite the considerable difficulties all over the world the teams of forum lind struggled for the respect of

the rights of the child in the search of a shelter on food, of education in the protection against the coasts

and the conflicts and in equality

Lind forum mission

The world has changed but the needs of the children have remained the same. Discover how the

commitment of farum de lindep. child infuriating remains stronger than ever in increasingly complex


Imped form results.

we worked tirelessly in some of the most in hospitable places in the world to wait for the most

endangered and damaged children. Obliging results for each child is at the heart of the forum's mission


Work in the most inhospitable places of the country (world) to wait for the most disadvantaged to defend

the rights of 10 departments of the country and territory we all do our best to help children to live to be

free and to realize their potential, from infancy to adolescence.

Before, during and After Humanitarian Emergencies, the Independence Forum is present on the ground to

provide life-saving help and hope to Hope and their families. apolitical and impatient we cannot however

remain neutral slagitate to protect the rights of the children and to sovereign their life and their future.

and we never give up.

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